On January 1st, 2023 we began our rebranding journey to the Lumberjack's Back. We are incredibly excited by this change and hope it resonates with current clients while also attracting new individuals that can benefit from our services! This name pays a special homage to Stillwater as an acknowledgment of all that inspired it. We are so excited to have you along for this journey and for your support over the past decade.

Even though our name has changed, all of our services remain the same. We offer a wide range of chiropractic care solutions including corrective exercises, massage therapy, and spinal adjustments. Our team is dedicated to providing quality care so you can enjoy optimal health results. All of this remains true despite the fact that we now have a new name!

We believe that The Lumberjack’s Back symbolizes a fresh start for our clinic as we strive towards becoming an even better provider of chiropractic care solutions for individuals with back problems related to their work or activity levels. Our commitment to providing quality care does not waver; we just have an updated identity!

We are proud to have changed our name from HealthSource Chiropractic to The Lumberjack’s Back and invite everyone interested in learning more about us and seeking relief from back pain caused by physical labor or sports activities to visit us today! We look forward to continuing to provide quality chiropractic care solutions and helping people get back on track with living life without back pain. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey with us!